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Jack & Oliver & Providence

This one will hit you hard. Providence Hospital is one of numerous hospitals throughout Oregon who turn to The Pongo Fund when their patients have pets. Jack and Oliver are the best of friends and if you saw them you’d see how tight these two are. They’re also homeless. Which means when Jack ended up there, Oliver had nowhere to go. Some hospitals tell people to leave their pets in the car, or to chain them outside. Mike has no car, so Oliver came inside too. And that’s when one of the superhero RN’s called The Pongo Fund.

Our Emergency Kibble Response Team had four Emergency Kibble Couriers on the job yesterday, and for this call I had the honor of responding. Our EKRT members carry emergency supplies with them, so I was able to get there quickly with food, treats and other supplies. Walking into a human hospital carrying a big bag of dog food brings some odd looks, but that’s ok, this is the work we do.

Oliver is a gentle giant, honestly, the sweetest guy ever, his mouth soft as a feather. He sits for treats, he plays with his baby, he jumps back onto the bed to nap with Dad. Oliver is the best medicine.

But none of this would have happened were it not for the nursing team who took the lead and called Pongo. Nurses save the world every day. And yesterday, they were there for Oliver too.

The best part, now Jack and Oliver are part of The Pongo Fund. From this day forward we’ll be there for them every step of the way. Food, veterinary, the works. We’ll be stopping in to see them again later, and if you’d like to donate to help these two, please click here and write Jack & Oliver in the comments.

I hope you SHARE this story so that others will also know the great work that we do.

For Jack and Oliver and for the nurses who love them.

And this is why we Pongo.

Sit. Stay. Eat. Live.

(Jack & Oliver are not their real names, for privacy names have been changed)
#love #hospital #nurses #homeless #dog #pongo #portland #oregon