It all started with Jackson & Jewels.
Two great dogs that I saw one evening, camped underneath the Morrison Bridge in Portland. They lived there with their people, in a relatively clean and orderly campsite. It was almost Thanksgiving. Although I didn’t realize it then, The Pongo Fund was just beginning.
I stopped to ask how they were and if they had Thanksgiving plans. They said they did; they’d be celebrating the Holiday at a shelter just up the street. And they said they were fine and needed nothing. Not for themselves, at least. But some dog food would sure be great. Really good food; could I get them some of that?
They explained that the shelters they frequented rarely had any pet food. But their dogs needed to eat something for dinner, so they all shared the same meals. It wasn’t healthy for any of them, but that’s just how it was. I said I could help, and the next day I returned with some Canidae dog food, treats, dog coats and beds.
And that was more than 230,000 animals and 37 million meals ago.
–Larry Chusid, Founder and Executive Director
Sit. Stay. Eat. Live.