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Four Weeks Today

2015-03-06 13.47.28 FB 2-14-16 Farewell ScoobyToday marks four weeks since 150-year-old Scooby crossed The Rainbow Bridge. I still expect to see him in all the usual places. And that means everywhere I am. Because we were like that.

He was my Starsky.

This morning’s breakfast of French toast included some tiny Scooby French Toast pieces too. I cut them instinctively, forgetting in that quick passing moment he was not here with me.

They are waiting, on one of his plates, on the counter. Just in case he stops by I’ll have them ready. Funny as it sounds, I like that.

I know he’s not here. Not physically. But those moments that I forget he is not here, brief as they are, those are good moments

I write this today for those of you who do not yet know. Because not everyone reads FB the same. And too many of you have expressed surprise and sadness because you did not know. You asked me to post this reminder.

I’m happy to do this. It connects me even closer to something that I’m already so deeply connected to. But the shock is still fresh. Not sure if that makes sense or not.

The thousands of cards and messages that arrived during these past few weeks are still waiting to be opened, to be read. I will. And I look forward to them. Because they will bring me that many more moments of remembering and celebrating The Scoobs.

And that is a good and healthy thing for my soul.

In loving memory of Scooby Chusid.

August 31, 1994 – February 14, 2016.

“You’re off to great places. Today is your day.

Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way” — Dr. Seuss

Farewell my friend. Safe travels.

‘til we meet again.

–Love Always, Larry

Sit. Stay. Eat. Live.