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French Fry Friday: Christmas

2015-03-20 14.12.21 FB 12-25-15 French Fry ChristmasA Christmas Day French Fry Friday. And Santa brought TWO fries for the 21 year-old Scoobs. Just so you know, the next Christmas Day French Fry Friday will be in 2020. Scooby will be 182 years-old then. And just for fun I think we’ll be giving him THREE fries on that day 🙂

For some reason Scooby is a dancing machine today. A jolly, happy soul for sure. Maybe he saw Santa? Of course, they are probably old friends.

With apologies to Frosty:

Scooby the Beagleman is a jolly happy soul
With a french fry pipe and a kissable nose
His eyes go straight to his soul

Scooby the Beagleman is a real living dog
147 years old, but the children know
Those years they just don’t show

There absolutely was magic in those french fries that they found
For when he got them in his mouth, he began to dance around

Scooby the Beagleman is live as live can be
And the children say he laughs and plays
Just the same as you and me

Luckily he loves the heat
As he loves each and every day
So no matter what the temp
Scooby the Beagleman will never melt away

Scooby the Beagleman is a jolly happy soul
With a french fry pipe and a kissable nose
His eyes go straight to his soul.

Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. Joy To The World.

No matter your religious belief, May Each and Every Blessing Find You and Surround You With LOVE. Just like Scooby does for me. Because he really is quite a Special Blessing for us all.

And none of us can ever have enough of those smile emoticon

Sit. Stay. Eat. Live. A Jolly Happy Soul.

‪#‎christmas‬ ‪#‎scooby‬ ‪#‎seniors‬ ‪#‎rescue‬ ‪#‎pongo‬ ‪#‎portland‬ ‪#‎beagle‬‪#‎petfoodbank‬ ‪#‎charity‬ ‪#‎love‬