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Welcome Home Little Friend

Freeway FB 7-8-15A few weeks ago a little dog broke loose from his yard. Truly just a tiny guy. But he got spooked and found a way out and kept going. This dog, this giant of a little man, belongs to a veterinarian friend of The Pongo Fund. And along with everyone else, we too were heartbroken. Hours turned into days turned into weeks. Still gone. Hope remained only because this tiny tot was spotted running along freeways and other busy areas. But no one could get close.

Four weeks went by. An entire month. And then it happened. Someone was able to get close enough to catch this dog. And he is now home. Safe. In good shape. And not wanting to go back outside.

Sadly this sort of thing happens someplace many times every day. It even happens to the professionals that have put forth the best care to make sure things like this could not happen. But still. Sometimes.

Through teary eyes this person shared the good news with me. But it’s what they said next that really hit home.

They said “I love my dog. There’s no question that I love my dog. But until he ran away and I thought I’d never see him again, I just didn’t know how much I loved him.”

What a wonderful reminder.

As we celebrate that this one came home, let’s say a prayer for all those that don’t. For all those that are still missing. But let’s never give up hope.

And one more thing.

Let’s hug them all a little bit closer and a little bit tighter tonight. More kisses too. Just like they would do for us.

No need to think about eveyrthing this dog fought through to make it. But if you could see him you would agree that heart and bravery are not meaured in size alone.

Today we celebrate. There are no other details that need to be shared.

Welcome home little friend. Welcome home.

Sit. Stay. Eat. Live.