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Friday Night, the 3rd of July

2015-07-03 19.24.28Friday night on a Fourth of July weekend and I’m at home. At home with the Scoobs. I was invited to a handful of picnics and bbq’s, a couple of blues river cruises, a few days in Sonoma and a beautiful weekend in the Columbia River Gorge. But I stayed home. People are often perplexed that this is how I spend my time. At home. Nothing fancy. A bloody mary on my left. And a Scooby on my right.

This goofball of a dog just ran around the yard three times. He was a firecracker! When he finished he gave me three loud barks and then he threw himself on his back and sashayed himself about 20 feet across the lawn. Giving himself the best back scratch ever. No easy task, mind you. But it’s those moments that tell me he’s feeling good. That he’s The Scoobs!

These are the moments I live for. And if I time it just right, I get to give him some belly scratches when he’s done. Just like you see here. The photo is blurry, I apologize for that. But keep in mind I have a really old phone. I wish I had a new phone but it just hasn’t happened. Anyway, the purpose of the moment was the belly rub, not the photo.

This is my Friday night. At home with the Scooberoo. Why in the world would I want to be anywhere else?

In less than two months he will celebrate his 21st birthday. Yes, he’ll be 21 on August 31st. He’s gone from sleeping on sidewalks to drinking Vintage 1994 Veuve Clicquot Champagne on his birthday. That’s the year he was born. Quite a difference. And I’m honored to be part of it.

For those of you who don’t know the whole story, I’ll tell it someday. But please know this. I love him more every day. And I know you love him too. And I thank you for that. I really do.

Because Scooby is not just a dog. He’s a community. He is my Scooby Village. And you’re part of that too.

This moment may not make sense to you. But I hope it does. Because these are the moments that we live for. And right here. Right now. This is that moment. I’m glad you’re here too.

Sit. Stay. Eat. Live. Happy to be Giving Belly Rubs on a Friday