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Pongo 911

HospitalWe’re proud of what The Pongo Fund does. But we’re also proud of what The Pongo Fund does when we don’t know what to do. Because at those moments, all we can do is try. Like today.

The call came shortly after 9am. It was Pongo 911. I was just heading into a meeting. But the moment I heard the voice on the other end I knew my meeting was going to wait. Because that voice was using every bit of strength it had to say what it needed to say. And even though the words came out softly and I struggled to hear them, every single one hit home.

David spent nearly eight weeks in the hospital. He was now in a recovery center working on regaining his health. And he just learned that he was losing his home tonight. At midnight. His possessions were going to be moved out. He didn’t care.

His only concern was what would happen to his two cats, 10 and 13 years old. They were his family.

His wind gave out after just my first couple of questions. That’s when his physical therapist got on the phone. She explained the situation with the utmost of courtesy and respect. Never once sharing personal information without his approval.

She told me that what David had said was correct. She knew that cat rescue and boarding was not what The Pongo Fund did. So why did she suggest he call us? I about fell over when she answered.

Because this health care professional who was willing to go farther than her job description said to go remembered the story of how we helped Dutch and Francis. How Francis’s physician, a Pongo volunteer, stepped in to start the process to rescue Dutch from the inside of a locked truck when Francis was unexpectedly hospitalized. And she thought if we could help then, maybe we could help now.

This was a tough one. We were told that we had just hours to line up boarding or foster care for two cats that would end up in a shelter without us. And that scared me. The meeting that I was late for went on without me. And then I got on the phone.

If you ever put together your Kitty Cat All Star Team, be sure to include Carma and Glenda. I do. They are the best of the best and were the first two people I called. Because I knew while they may not be able to help, they would try. How great are these two?

When I spoke with Carma she was already on her way to the vet to get care for two other cats she was helping. And Glenda?

Glenda’s Mom was in surgery at that very moment and she was at the hospital. Now you know why they’re part of my Kitty Cat All Star Team. Because while busy helping others they were going to help these two cats too.

Sadly we did not come up with a solution. Luckily I had a Plan B fired up and ready to go. And I knew that if nothing else, come 11:59pm tonight The Pongo Fund was going to be caring for two cats. Meow. Meow.

So at 5:30pm I made the call back to David to find out how things were going. His exhausted voice greeted me like an old friend. The first thing he did was thank me for following up.

And then he apologized for not keeping me updated. He had just spent 8 weeks in the hospital and he’s apologizing to me for not keeping me updated. Sheesh. What a guy!

I told him I was worried and so sorry that I could not find the perfect solution. I wanted to talk with him about what else we could do knowing we only had a few hours left to save his cats.

And that’s when he told me his landlord gave him an extra 30 days. And that his friends would continue to visit and feed and care for his cats. He told me everything was going to be ok. And he thanked me for The Pongo Fund’s help.

I told him we had not done anything. He said we had. Maybe we’re both right.

But at the end of the day these two cats, his family, are safe. And he is too. And that is what’s most important.

It all started with Francis and Dutch and The Pongo Fund’s Dr. Sarah making the call one year ago. And now two kitties are safe tonight. And their Dad will sleep better because of that. He said we helped. What a kind thing for him to say.

Feel better David. And this is why we Pongo.

Sit. Stay. Eat. Live. For David and His Kitties.