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Scooby and Buddha

2015-03-31 10.48.59Scooby went on a walk yesterday. Along a street he’d never walked on before. At least not with me in this lifetime. Suddenly he stopped. He sat down. And he stared at me.

Normally this means he wants a treat. I take that back. It means he demands a treat. So strong willed he is that he will not move until he gets that treat.

It’s his version of a Pedometer. His Scoobyometer. He walks a certain number of steps and then he stops. And he refuses to walk even one step more unless he gets a treat. Really.

Then he gets a treat and continues his walk. Until he wants another treat. And then once again he sits down and refuses to budge. Which is why I always have treats in my pocket. And that’s why I have to be sure and keep track of how many treats I have.

Because if I run out of treats I’m in big trouble. Because that means I need to pick him up and carry him home.

But this time it was different.

This time he sat down so abruptly it caught me by surprise. Because he just had a treat a few steps earlier. Yet here he was sitting down again. Like something out of the blue told him to stop.

Grudgingly I offered him another treat. But he turned his head away. He refused the treat.

That does not happen. And I was stunned. Concerned too. Because I had no clue what was going on.

After a few moments he got up and pulled me strongly to the north. Still refusing the treat. But there was nothing to the north. Just a few feet of empty driveway with a small fence at the side.

But for some reason that’s where Scooby wanted to go. And he was giving me no choice.

So we walked those few feet.

At the end of the driveway Scooby darted sharply to the side. And at the end of that driveway was this statue.

He walked straight to it. And without hesitation he gently kissed the face. It was one Buddha greeting another. And I was stunned.

How did he know Buddha was there?

What voice called him to stop and visit?

But that’s life with Scooby. At 20 ½ years of age I have no doubt that Scooby has lived many lives. And that he will live many more. I am his guardian for now. And he is mine.

Moments like this remind me of what a special soul he is. It is an honor to know him.

And it was an honor to have been included when one Buddha greeted another.



Sit. Stay. Eat. Live. Scooby and the Buddha.